Thursday 5 January 2012

Write a summary paragraph explaining what we understand about our theme and what types of things it could include.

Media and Collective Identity means how the media interprets different groups of people. Throughout our blog we will be explaining our thoughts on involved subjects of our title, such as teenagers with student protests and how that effected the media, also the representation of the people involved in the London riots. From physical actions to media incorporated subjects like YouTube where people express themselves in different ways to attract some attention either from their viewers or the press. young social groups will be through about constantly throughout our blog as being young people we can understand who's in what social groups, for example how music can change peoples social groups.also we'll be looking into how young people are represented on TV for example skins, top boy, misfits and the inbetweeners. All of these idea's will gradually build up in our blog to give us enough information we need to write up our critical response. 

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