Friday 27 January 2012

These couple of videos show the live coverage of riots and the implications of the riots and press coverage. The Question Time video brings up very interesting points about the reasons for the outbreak of riots and unrest of British Youths. It seems that some feel that its not the medias fault for the riots, but the way that parenting has changed and many lack respect for their parents and in consequence the police. Obviously the reasons behind teenagers showing no respect could come from the TV shows we looked at such as Skins or Misfits. You see characters ignoring parents, leaving home and arguing with them, which could transfer over into real life. Misfits makes the audience seem like the characters are not interested paying back to the community through community service, and it may stereotype british youth as not caring about law or the police.
The other video shows the a different side to the implications of the London Riots coverage and TV dramas about youths. You can see that many "older" people stereotype any British youth that they are causing trouble even if they are justing taking the bus to college. This has probably come from constant media attention of the small amount of trouble makers throughout the country.
A great phrase used in a video watched was "Teenagers are like a plane, you only hear about them when they crash".

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