Thursday 5 January 2012

Response to Prompt Questions

1. How do the contemporary media represent nations, regions and ethnic/social/collective groups of people in different ways?

2. How does contemporary representation compare to previous time periods?

3. What are the social implications of different media representations of groups of people?

4. To what extent is human identity increasingly mediated?

My initial response to the prompt questions is that we should focus British youth. We could focus on how British Youth are represented in TV, for example the TV series Skins and Misfits. We could focus on how British Youth are represented in Film, for example films like Kidulthood. We could also focus on how music, certain music genres and how contemporary media represent the people who listen to different genres and categorises/label them through the music they listen to.  We could look into how British Youth are represents by music artists too. 

For question 2 we could focus on how the previous generation are struggling to adjust to the current one and may be a possible reason for contemporary media to be so critical of British Youth. 

For question 3 we could talk about how the labelling and categorisation of British Youth from contemporary media can cause them to feel united against whatever force is governing them. For example, police in the London summer riots. 

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