Friday 13 January 2012

Skins Series 4 Episode 1 Representation

The episode we watched revolved around Thomas, who was a character who was torn  religion/family and social life/girlfriend. The show obviously showed stereotypical things that young adults are pretty much renown for, such as: taking drugs, underage drinking/getting drunk, sleeping around and bunking lessons. Which were all apparent in the very first episode of the series. At the begining of the episode a lot of the main characters were at a club where it was 200 people over capacity, the club allowed anyone entry and drugs were dealt within the club. A stereotypical setting for teenagers to hang out.
Differently to other teen dramas we have watched and seen on TV, the show also focuses on more serious views and ideas in the episode.

The story of Thomas shows the problems he has at home, grief he gets from his mum about who he hangs about with, the fact he has to look after his siblings and how his family are very religous. Obviously these are the things that arent always thought about when teenagers are talked about in the Media. The episodes could be showing the reason why teenagers turn to violence, drugs, alcohol and antisocial behaviour. The fact that religion is a big part of the characters life and it actually helps him to sort hiself out at the end of the show, tells us that Skins is not trying to represent Teenagers completely negatively.

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